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My Reading List

Reading Materials
Agile Process/Lean Process
Technical Practices or Value to Customers: What to Focus on First?
Forbes: What Is Strategic Agility?
Scalable Efficiency
Harvard Business Review: Great Businesses Scale Their Learning, Not Just Their Operations
Harvard Business Review: The New Organization Model: Learning at Scale
Process Automation
Harvard Business Review: Before Automating Your Company’s Processes, Find Ways to Improve Them
Software Testing
James Bach & Michael Bolton on Differences between Testing and Checking
Software Testing Anti-patterns
Technology Trend
Harvard Business Review: Why Better Technology Can be Slower to Take Off
Partner at Andreessen Horowitz Benedict Evans: Ten Year Futures - What's likely to happen in the next decade: mobile, Google / Apple / Facebook / Amazon, innovation, machine learning, autonomous cars, mixed reality and crypto-currencies.
Legendary Tech Breakthrough Anecdote
New York Times: And Then Steve Said, ‘Let There Be an iPhone’
Business Insider/New York Times: Steve Jobs Freaked Out A Month Before First iPhone Was Released And Demanded A New Screen
Birth of the iPhone: How Apple turned clunky prototypes into a truly magical device
New York Times: How, and Why, Apple Overtook Microsoft
How the iPhone crippled BlackBerry
Tech Entrepreneurship
Peter Thiel: What the Future Looks Like [Podcast]
Peter Thiel: From Zero to One [Stanford University Startup Class Lecture Notes]
Peter Thiel: Stagnation, Innovation, and What Not to Call your Company [Transcripts + Podcast]
Greg Satell: We Need to Learn to Manage For Complexity, Not Predictability
Greg Satell: Why You Need to Stop Looking for Silver Bullets to Solve Your Problems
Greg Satell: Breaking Down Silos Is a Myth, Do This Instead
Greg Satell: 4 Things Every Leader Should Know Before Starting A Big Data Project
Jason Ackerman: When you're starting a new business, some tough moments are almost guaranteed. How you carry yourself in those moments can have a profound impact on your team.
Disruptive Innovations
Harvard Business School Professor Clayton Christensen on Disruptive Innovations:

·    [Clayton Christensen: "Where does Growth come from?" | Talks at Google]

·    [Clayton Christensen On What He Got Wrong About Disruptive Innovation]

·    [Fresh Insights From Clayton Christensen On Disruptive Innovation]

·    [What Is Disruptive Innovation?]

·    [Innovation, economic growth, and corporate ‘short-termism’: A Q&A with business guru Clayton Christensen]

·    [Surviving Disruption]
Artificial Intelligence
Former Microsoft Executive and Incumbent Baidu COO Qi Lu on AI and other technology topics
Former Microsoft exec reveals why Amazon’s Alexa voice assistant beat Cortana
Harvard Business Review: What Artificial Intelligence Can and Can’t Do Right Now
Coursera Co-Founder Andrew Ng on Artificial Intelligence: Why AI Is the New Electricity
Partner at Andreessen Horowitz Frank Chen on What's working and what's not for AI
Companies are suddenly declaring themselves "AI first." Why it’s a problem for their current customers
MIT Technology Review: Is AI Riding a One-Trick Pony?
MIT Technology Review: The Dark Secret at the Heart of AI
Wall Street Journal: AI Can’t Reason Why
The Atlantic: How a Pioneer of Machine Learning Became One of Its Sharpest Critics
McKinsey: Kai-Fu Lee’s perspectives on two global leaders in artificial intelligence: China and the United States
Partner at Andreessen Horowitz Benedict Evans: Ways to think about machine learning
Cross Cultural Collaboration
Harvard Business Review: How Cultures Across the World Approach Leadership
Harvard Business Review: To Lead Across Cultures, Focus on Hierarchy and Decision Making
Harvard Business Review: How Authority and Decision-Making Differ Across Cultures
Harvard Business Review: Getting To Yes Across Cultures
Harvard Business Review: Getting to Yes Across Cultures - What to know before your next negotiation
Harvard Business Review: Navigating the Cultural Minefield
Erin Meyer: The Culture Map – Decoding How People Think, Lead, and Get Things Done Across the World
Harvard Business Review: Leading Across Cultures Requires Flexibility and Curiosity
Harvard Business Review: How to Build Trust with Colleagues You Rarely See
Harvard Business Review: How to Build Trust on Your Cross Cultural Team
Harvard Business Review: Cross Culture Work in a Global Economy
Harvard Business Review: In Praise of the Incomplete Leader
Harvard Business Review: Understand Leadership
Harvard Business Review: How to Regain the Lost Art of Reflection
Harvard Business Review: To Sound Like a Leader, Think About What You Say, and How and When You Say It. 18 Hard Things to Do If You Want to Be A Successful Leaders
Harvard Business Review: Make Strategic Thinking Part of Your Job
10,000 Hours with Reid Hoffman: What I Learned
Harvard Business Review: Leadership through Compassion
Leader Who is capable to Scale Takes Position, Reflects on His/Her Position and Ready to Adapt His/Her Position.
Emotional Intelligence 7 Brilliant Things Emotionally Intelligent People Do When Their Buttons Are Pushed 10 Simple Steps Southeast Asian Entrepreneurs Can Take For Highly Effective Listening
Richard Branson: Is your reaction helping the situation?
How to stop negative feelings from affecting your conversations
World Economic Forum: These four characteristics show you're emotionally intelligent
Harvard Business Review: Emotional Intelligence – What Makes a Leader? 7 Simple Tricks That Will Instantly Increase Your Emotional Intelligence
Harvard Business Review: Quiz Yourself: Do You Lead with Emotional Intelligence?
Dr. Muel Kaptein on the Self Awareness of the Psychological Forces That Trigger Bad Behaviors | Why good people do bad things
Forbes: 20 Questions That Will Make You A Better Person
Jeffrey Towson: 3 Tips from Warren Buffett on Becoming a Better Person
Benjamin Hardy: If You Knew Something Would Improve Your Life, Why Wouldn’t You
Quartz at Work: Why being great at your job is harder than it used to be
How to Love Criticism - If your objective is to be as good as you can be, then you're going to want criticism [TED Talk Video]
Conflict Management

Forbes: 6 Tricks To Mastering Conflict
Forbes: Five Conflict Management Strategies
Forbes: Listen Up: Try This To Resolve A Conflict At Work
Harvard Business Review: In a Difficult Conversation, Listen More Than You Talk
Harvard Business Review: How to Have Difficult Conversations When You Don't Like Conflict
Harvard Business Review: When You Don’t Like Conflict | DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS: 7 Tricky Work Situations, and How to Respond to Them
Harvard Business Review: How to Save a Meeting That’s Gotten Tense
Forbes: How To Build Respect With Difficult People
Effective Communication
Forbes: Never Send A 'Follow-Up' Email: If You Want Answers, Do This Instead A detailed look at an old email from Steve Jobs teaches some important lessons
Forbes: 5 Steps To Get Your Voice Heard At Meetings
Forbes: 6 Steps to Make Great Impression Every Meeting How to Win Arguments Without Making Enemies How to speak up at work based on 3 types of dissident personalities: Colluders, Adversaries, Dissenters
Effective Negotiation
Margaret Neale: Negotiation is about finding a solution to your counterpart’s problem that makes you better off than you would have been had you not negotiated.
Forbes: 3 Simple And Effective Steps To Dominate Negotiations
Business Insider: 9 negotiation tips for people who hate negotiating
Change Management
Overcome the conflict that arises during change through action
Harvard Business Review: What Everyone Gets Wrong about Change Management
Harvard Business Review: Why So Many High-Profile Digital Transformations Fail
Effective Learning
Harvard Business Review: Learning Is a Learned Behavior. Here’s How to Get Better at It.
Harvard Business Review: Why the Problem with Learning Is Unlearning
Crisis Management
Forbes: How To Survive (And Thrive) In A Time Of Crisis
Harvard Business Review: How Leaders Can Keep Their Cool in a Crisis
Stakeholder Management
How to Break Bad News to Investors
Greylocks Partner: Redfin CEO Glenn Kelman on Stakeholder Management
Harvard Business Review: How Nokia Embraced the Emotional Side of Strategy
Corporate Strategic Lessons
Stratechery: The End of Windows | How Satya Nadella led the organisation to bet their future on Microsoft and not Windows
Harvard Business Review: Why Microsoft Is Willing to Pay So Much for GitHub
Quora & Forbes: Why did Google buy Motorola for $12.5 billion and sell it off for $2.91 billion? Who’s The Mentor? What Grab and Toyota Can Learn From Each Other

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