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Generative AI is Impressive but deceptive 生成式人工智能令人赞叹,但极具误导性

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In the realm of text generation, text-based conversations, and voice dialogues, the current prevailing Artificial Intelligence technology relies on Large Language Models, reminiscent of the late Taiwanese writer Li Ao. These AI models possess vast knowledge and an exceptional memory, but they also tend to indulge in exaggeration. While they can serve as insightful advisors, their reliability as strategic or execution partners may not always be guaranteed.

On the other hand, in the domain of image, video, and voice generation, contemporary Artificial Intelligence excels at fabrication, simulation, and counterfeiting. It can adeptly create deceptive and realistic content, making it a powerful tool for deceiving audiences and generating false impressions, particularly when used without tangible supporting resources. For individuals lacking access to concrete resources, this undoubtedly becomes a convenient instrument for misleading others.



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