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The day when Najib hailed the massive traffic jam...

Well, I have to admit that I am/was really pissed off and dejected, especially on the day when Najib hailed the massive traffic jam, the day when Nazri claimed that as long as BN is in power, ISA is here to stay. Police has been doing a tremendously successful job by holding traffic flow for ransom. To most of the city folks, traffic smoothness is the jewelry on the crown especially during precious weekend and public holidays. It supercedes human's fundamental right to trial, right to assembly, right to associate and right to be heard.

Syabas Najib! To your "One Malaysia, Police First, Crackdown Now!" police-state governance.

(Slogan courtesy of Guo Hua)

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Licia said…
1Malaysia,1 Long Traffic Jam=)