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AI取代人类工作的主要障碍是高昂的模型训练成本和日常营运开支。近期在MIT举行的交流会中,OpenAI CEO表示GPT-4的开发成本超过一亿美元。分析师也推断,ChatGPT 回答用户提问的每一日运作开销至少耗费70万美元。现在我们日常见识和试用的免费或低收费AI对话、问答、生成文字,还有图像、语音或视频自动生成等服务,其实是科技巨擘和AI服务开发商亏本提供的产品试用。当企业或投资者的预算用完后,能力比肩或超越人类专业工作者的AI,极可能与人类员工的“薪酬”同样可观,未必能让企业削减成本和开销。

The cost of developing and operating sophisticated AI models that can match or surpass human performance remains a significant obstacle in the field. At a recent event held at MIT, OpenAI's CEO admitted that training GPT-4 cost more than 100 million US dollars, underscoring the difficulties companies face in this area. In addition, daily operational expenses associated with running AI systems can also be significant, with ChatGPT reportedly costing over 700,000 US dollars per day to operate.

Despite these hurdles, many tech giants and AI service providers continue to offer AI services at low or no cost, as a way to promote the development of AI technology. However, once an enterprise or investor's subsidy budget is depleted, the cost of using AI services to replace human workers could be comparable to that of human worker compensation. Therefore, businesses must carefully consider the long-term benefits and costs of implementing AI systems before making any commitments.





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