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Two Types of Engineering Leadership Mindsets

From an online course offered by The Delft University of Technology at edX open learning platform, I learn that there are two schools of thoughts (two types of management mindsets) in engineering leadership.

i) Project Management Mindset: In the project-based mindset, the solution arises from problems, goals and information. First, there is a problem, and we then try to find a solution centered around the commonly agreed problem. From my interpretation, this type of leadership worldview tends to let the end goal justify the means.

ii) Process Managerial Mindset: In the process-based mindset, there is already a solution, and we then try to find problems that would map perfectly with the solution that has been prescribed. From my understanding, this type of leadership approach emphasizes on process engineering and demands strict compliance with the established procedures.

The mentioned concepts can be found at the following edX online course program

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