其实,我们国家所面对的许多问题并非“真实的问题”,而是国家领袖杜撰出来证明自己存在价值的“伪问题”。我们的领袖在公共决策和政务治理方面的表现乏善可陈,所以他们通过取巧的方式来维续自己的政治生命 -- 他们指称国家正面临严重的危机,却严禁所有人谈论有关危机,然后宣称他们已解决,而且只有他们才能解决这一切的危机。
Some of the biggest challenges of our nation are not "real problems" indeed. They are problems discovered and claimed by our beloved leaders. Our leaders keen to prove their worthiness as leaders by repeatedly claiming and solving the issues originated from their own imagination. And then, they demand our appreciation to their "effort" and "wisdom" in solving these problems on our behalf.